The oratory of Saint George

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The first of the two small chap els along the large square is the Or a to ry of Saint George. It was erect ed as a fam i ly burial chapel by the ma quess es Lupi of Soragna, and completed in 1377. The interior was frescoed by Altichiero da Zevio, who completed the magnificent series of paintings in 1384. The paintings have been damaged by vandalism and the passage of time. The paintings on the altar walls represent “The Crucifixion of Christ” and “The Coronation of Mary”. On the entrance wall there are scenes from the infancy of Jesus, while on the left there are episodes from the life of Saint George, and on the right, scenes from the lives of Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Lucy.

The Oratory of St George is a consecrated church: all visits to this church must therefore take note of liturgical celebration times.

For any information

Arciconfraternita di sant'Antonio di Padova
c/o Scoletta del Santo
P.zza del Santo 11, 35123 Padova
Tel. + 39 049 / 8755235 - Fax +39 049 / 2050013


Image: Giorgio Deganello (MSA)